分卷阅读16 (第2/2页)
青楼内酒醉吐腹轻 An old sold wine beyond the city,by the road to the moat in the rain. 路遇翁卖酒雨沥城门净 He said that is named An named g,so I believed the poet would be found. 翁言谓长安遂入观其景 Ah.....I see great buildings 楼穷现煌宇 Ah.....In them poets drink and sing 骚客共饮歌 Ah.....I pass the pace 大明宫前过 Ah......Flowers bloom around me 袖畔繁花生 Ah.....I see Buddha statue sits 佛坐莲花落 Ah.....I see the Emperor through the street 帝过千人迎 Ah.....I pass a ntern 人过阑珊处 Ah.....Ii light up the poem on my skin 灯笼照臂诗 I saw a man wear white in the rain,just like the poet in my dream. 微雨见白衣恰如梦中影 He took wine and read a poem,Just like the lyrics of this song. 把酒笑吟诗恰如此歌行 A poem written for the Tang. 诗以唐之名” (歌词摘自百度,原唱霍尊) 歌曲放完,所有人大喘一口气,然后激动地不能自已! “啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!太好听了!快点循环播放!这简直是对我耳朵的救赎!这个歌手是谁!我要拿我的身份卡给他投票!!!” “纯英文居然唱出了古韵的感觉,我要看中文翻译!!真的,耳朵要怀孕了!声音太好听了!啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!” 整首歌用英文来诠释中国风的旋律,别样韵味,空灵旷远,仿佛来自天外的靡靡之音,歌声向你倾吐,告知你一个悠远的故事,你的眼前仿佛出现了一个来自东方的“神秘而伟大”的国度,宛如梦回大唐! 王晓芳整个人都听愣了,沉醉在歌曲里无法自拔,被同事从电脑前推开,都没反应过来。她突然一个激灵,突然有种感动得想哭的感觉! “歌手叫什么名字?”王晓芳艰难地吞咽口水。 “林玖!久远王的玖!” 林玖…林玖…王晓芳心里默念着,与此同时,全国各地,无数多的人,也都在一同默念着一个名字! 这就是歌曲的魅力,因为一首歌带来的惊艳,让人忍不住地想去探究它背后的歌者是谁? 这一切对于目前还在学校的林玖来说,没有半点影响。林玖本人只记