Sutra 01 (第4/4页)
o treat women with amenorrhea.
Intercourse seven times a day acc to this rule. Ten days will cure the disease.
The seventh method of replenishing Yuanjing and blood is called Yiye.
That is, it increases the secretion of vaginal fluid.
The specific approach is:
The woman y prone on the bed.
Kneel on your knees. Lift your hips up.
The man stimutes the woman's golden ditch with filigree.
I with each other eight nines.
That's seventy-two sexual intercourse. Stop when you're done.
Do this every day.
It make both men and women full of blood and strong muscles and bones.
The eighth method of replenishing the essence and blood is called the Tao body.
That is to promote blood circution and enhance physical fitness.
The specific approach is:
The woman is lying on her back.
Bend your legs back. Your heels touch your hips.
The man supports his body with his hands.
Kneeling on the bed with both knees. On.
The man stimutes the woman's golden ditch with filigree.
I with each other in nine nines.
That is, eighty-one sexual intercourse. Stop when you're done.
Do this every day.
Not only it make the bones of both men and women strong.
It also treat the woman's stench of Jingou.
Intercourse imes a day acc to this rule. Nine days will cure the disease.