Symposium 03 (第4/4页)
mport copper from Cyprus and Sardinia, Import ivory from Syria, other luxury goods from Egypt, What happened to the Myaean civilization? Maybe a natural disaster destroyed it, However, most experts believe that Either fn invasions or internal flicts led to the dee of this once-prosperous society. The end of the Myaean civilization leaves us with many unsolved mysteries, both in terms of timelines and expnations of events, half an hour, Jean looked at the transparent wooden rimless smart gsses, Say slowly: 1200 BC to 400 BC, Mesoameri Olmec civilization, Born in the tropical jungles of the San Lorenzo Highnds in tral America, After flourishing for about 300 years, destroyed by violence around 900 BC, Then the ter of the Olmec civilization moved to La Venta near the Gulf of Mexico, The Olmec civilization finally disappeared around 400 BC, repced by Abi Olmec culture, many features of the Olmec civilization, such as pyramids and pace building, jade carving, The worship of the jaguar and the feathered serpent was also a on element of subsequent Mesoameri civilizations, Most schors believe that the Olmec civilization was the parent of the Maya, Zapotec, Tiotihua and other civilizations. Its dee is thought to be reted to volic eruptions, earthquakes, or damage to agricultural systems,