分卷阅读17 (第1/2页)
uy I never wao live a lie If it\'s wrong to tell the truth What am I supposed to do All I want to do is speak my mind If it\'s wrong to do what\'s right I\'m prepared to testify If loving you with all my heart\'s a crime Then I\'m guilty Girl I followed my heart Followed the truth Right from the start it led me to you Please don\'t leave me this way I\'m guilty now all I have to say If it\'s wrong to tell the truth Then what am I supposed to do When all I want to do is speak my mind If it\'s wrong to do what\'s right I\'m prepared to testify If loving you with all my hearts a crime Then I\'m guilty If it\'s wrong to do what\'s right then tell me about this feeling inside If loving you with all my hearts a crime I\'m Guilty” “唱完了。”我好心的提醒了一下对面那个神色呆滞的人。 “你这是哪国的语言?”对方终于回神了。 “你听不懂?” 他摇摇头。嘿嘿,你跟你弟两人的眼睛都长的像外国人,偏偏你不懂外语。那别怪我不客气。 “我在摔下马昏迷的时候,梦到自己去了一趟仙人岛,这种语言就是岛上的一位仙人教我的。” “是吗?”他疑惑的看着我。 “不信?”这家伙挺精的嘛,“那我再说两句给你听:I wanna knock you down and kick your ass!”实话实说,一吐为快! “什么?”他一头雾水。 “哦,我说你长的很帅。” 这也是事实,不过是我顺口胡诌的事实。 冰山的表情出现瞬间空白,似乎被什么击中。而后脸上出现了极其古怪的神情——双颊浮上淡淡的红晕,眼珠左转右转不知道该看什么地方,鼻息扇动——呃,他那样子,该不会是不好意思脸红了吧? 我稍稍弯一点腰,死劲盯着他的脸,想